It was week 10 on our City & Guilds Horticulture course and we were ready to be assessed on our potting on skills. Potting up Verbena ‘Santos Purple’ and Erigeron Karvinskianus.
Our tour of the nursery reminded us of the plants we are learning, Catmint, Granny’s Bonnet, and Stonecrop and the soft Lamb’s Ear. We also found the Turkish Sage in the Urban Garden, though its a little too early for flowering.
We felt confident to do a trial tree test on our walk around the Parks. There are just a few that we need to extra help on, and now they are in flower, it was time to compare. How far we have come, from ten weeks ago, when all trees kinda looked the same. We still found time to appreciate the new leaves on may of our familiar tree including the copper beech.
